Monday, April 16, 2012

Food Glorious Food!

It’s funny, fashion is a pretty huge part of my life and always has been. It’s a passion, a bit of an obsession and a massive problem for my purse, as I’m sure most of you understand! So when I used to think about blogging I automatically thought the posts would gravitate around fashion. Now however, its hard to avoid posting about my other life long passion, food! Being a Greek girl I’ve grown up with meal times dominating my days and celebrations centring around massive Mediterranean feasts. When I went vegetarian at 14 I’m fairly sure I contributed to a few of my yiayia’s (grandma) wrinkles. It was actually straight out of the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding, “You no eat meat?? Okay, I give you lamb.” It definitely took a while for the family to get used to and understand, especially during the vegan stage! But after almost 9 years and a gradual change to include chicken and fish into my diet, I think I am finally accepted as a non (red) meat eating Greek.
I’ve always been a healthy eater thanks to my mama never letting us eat ‘dogfood’ (Mcdonalds) and embarassing me as the little kid in primary school that brought salad, nuts and yoghurt in her lunchbox instead of white bread polony sandwiches and fun size snickers bars. I am of course completely grateful now that my palate tends to crave fresh over fried. But don’t get me wrong, I’m no saint! I have a total sweet tooth and find it hard to say no to treats. Lately though, I have been attempting to make a conscious effort to avoid refined sugar and stick to natural and organic products where possible. I read a lot of blogs written by some amazing organic foodies like Jess The Wellness Warrior and Sarah from My New Roots. They are so friggin’ inspiring and full of amazing options and recipes that it’s hard not to get excited about meal times.
My trip to Europe (that I haven’t even talked about on here but I will…soon) is creeping up not so slowly and it’s really important to me that I feel at my peak of health and fitness by the time I get there, not just for my physical wellbeing but also for my mental wellbeing. I feel a million times better when I stick to my game plan, and no Reece’s Peanutbutter Cup will be able to de-rail me (no matter how amazingly salty, sweet and fabulous they are). So…exercising every day, eating great all the time (even on a hungover Sunday) and cutting back on the cheeky vinos every other night, needs to happen. And I started last week with all of these fun and yum food decisions>>>>>
Made some yummy almond milk with my recently purchased nut bag, I can't do milk and soy milk just don't cut it!
Used the pulp left over from the almond milk to make bliss balls, as you can see there is alot there so they all get gifted to family and friends to get them through their 3pm chocolate fix.
Lovely little pumpkin from my yiayia's garden. I should make something with it but it's just so cute I can't bring myself to cut it open...
Yummy pomegranate, also from yiayia's garden. Anti-oxidant kick to start the morning :)
Whipped up this quick and easy brown rice dish while I was trying to avoid study the other day. It's packed full of feta, kalamata olives, spring onion and pinenuts.
Easy peasy Sunday breakfast. Gluten free meusli, natural yoghurt, blueberries, banana and cinammon.
Saved the best for last... Best boyfriend ever surprised me with treats from The Raw Kitchen in Freo. A slice of my fav raw pizza, Loving Earth activated almond and purple corn raw dark choc bar-seriously delightful, and THE BEST FREAKIN RAW CHOC BERRY CHEESECAKE EVERRRRRRR. I die, literally. Serious amazing chocolate explosion. Everybody needs to try this. They also do whole cakes, which I will definitely be investing in for my bday. Been dreaming of this cake for the past week.x

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